The current news, which, unless you live under a rock, you've heard about, is that NY Gov. Eliot Spitzer has been accused and admitted to involvement with a prostitution ring.
Dirtbag Spitzer being hounded by the media.
So my favorite radio station, Froggy, (you can check them out at posed the question for the morning program: Would you stand by your man (or woman) after he or she admitted to this? What would you do? Sidebar: Froggy gave every one who called in a copy of Sara Evans' CD with the song "Cheating" on it and then they were all entered in a drawing for a grand prize of a weekend at the Motel 6 at Cheat Lake, West Virginia. Purty funny, ay?
Anyway, Would you have stood by your husband as she did on national television while he gave a speech admitting the criminal and moral wrong doing? Hell no, I wouldn't. As soon as he admitted it, I would have packed my bags, or had him pack his, and I definitely would not have stood with him while he made his speech. You would be on your own there, buddy!
Stand By Your Man............Not what Tammy Wynette meant, I'm sure. Mrs. Spitzer at her husband's side while he apologizes for his wrong doing.
Now, I feel that politicians and infidelity sort of go hand in hand. Why do you think someone came up with the expression "Politics make strange bed fellows."?
Since the media has gotten more and more access to information, and has done some deeper digging since JFK, politicians personal lives are plastered every where. TV, radio, tabloids, newspaper, magazines.
It has always been implied that JFK was doing Marilyn Monroe, and probably others. Didn't his brother Teddy drive a chic he got pregnant off the road leading to a bridge and into a river and she drowned? LBJ was not saint either. According to documentary I saw about him and Ladybird, not only was he an SOB, but a womanizer as well.
Nixon, you didn't hear about it, but he probably did. Or maybe he was to busy with Watergate.
Ford, Carter, Reagan, and GH Bush I don't remember hearing about any infidelities on their part, The media focus was on how badly they were screwing up this country.
Then there's Bill Clinton. There was absolute proof of his infidelity. Cigar, anyone? Hillary stood by him. Not in the way that Mrs. Spitzer did, but she didn't leave him. She didn't divorce him.
I think back in the day, before TV, that the media was not as focused on the politician's personal life, they didn't have the resources they do today to dig up the dirt. I am sure that infidelity and the presidency have been around since George Washington. And before that, the kings of England. Not just political figures in this new country, but slave owners had sex with their female slaves. Hell, maybe even the male slaves. When this country was established with it's own formal government, they were just carrying on the tradition.
If someone hadn't have publicly accused Spitzer of the involvement with the prositution ring, do you think he would have ever publicly announced it? No. He would have kept doing what he was doing and would not have resigned his position as Governor of the State of NY. Ashley A. Dupre` aka "Kristen" the $1,000 an hour call girl. Her NY apartment was more per month than the governor's mansion! She's not an ugly girl.
Do the women that stand by husbands after this type of dirty laundry is aired, have some bigger agenda that staying with their husbands is making them stronger than if they left and were on the own? Maybe true on Hillary's part. For god sakes, here she is, just 8 or 9 years later, running for the Democratic nomination to run for President of the United States! She obviously thought she needed Bill to do this.
And not even in the political arena was Joey Buttafuco. He slept with Amy Fisher, Amy Fisher shot Joey's wife Mary Jo, and Mary Jo still didn't leave Joey. Years later, Joey gets back involved with Amy, then Mary Jo divorces him. She is now remarried and doing the talk show circuit. Why did it take Mary Jo 2 times before she left his sorry ass?
I have friends who have recently splt up after a history of years of infidelity on the guy's part. I was told by another friend that they had agreed to stay together until their child went to college. The Child's in college. They have split up.
Spitzer, wife Silda (in the red coat), and 3 daughtrs.
And what do these people say to their kids? I don't ever remember hearing what Chelsea had to say about her dad and Monica. Spitzer's kids will have live with this for a long time.
I just don't get it. How do these women justify this in their minds so that they can even look at the man across the breakfast table?
So, What Would You Do?
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4 years ago
It's funny to me that people "wait until the kids are older" to leave, etc. Trust me, it does not hurt them any differently. In fact, I have seen "kids" on talk shows that say they wished their parents had just done it when they were kids because of the pain and anger.
You are lucky and I wish I was still in your shoes and had my Jerry around. He would do things like send me flowers at school for no reason except he was thinking of me - oh I miss those kinds of things. Losing your spouse SUCKS!!! Love ya, D
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