Wednesday, March 26, 2008

And the Bottom 3 are.......

Chikezie. I didn't really expect that.

Syesha. Or that.

Jason. Yeah. That one I did expect.

I didn't think Syesha was deserving at all of being in the 3. I would have thought Ramiele before her.

I liked Chikezie's song. Simon criticized him for touching the girls' in the audience, but I thought it was cool. Those girls will always have that memory and can say " I touched his hand when he was on Idol." You know he'll get a record deal somewhere.......... The world needs another Luther Vandross.

So, I was wrong. Jason was saved. Syesha was saved. They sent Chikezie home. But, at this point in th competition, it's going to get harder and harder and there will be good ones sent home.

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