Sunday, March 2, 2008

Home sick, idol catch-up

Well, just when I thought I was over the crud, BAM! round 2! I must say that round 2 is much worse than round 1. This sickness knocks you out with several punches and doesn't let up. My one boss, Kenny, told me on Wednesday that I should go home cause I was coughing so badly. He said I was making him cough. I thought that Iwould be able to hang for the day, but I was coughing so much, that it got to the point that I couldn't answer the phones. Every time it rang, I was in the middle of coughing fit. thank God for Tea. She is my big boss' daughter and runs the company upstairs, Packages for Industry.

So, I thought at least if I went home, I wouldn't be disturbing anyone else with my cough, and I could put on my jammies and be comfy. So, when Tea got back from the bank/lunch, I went home. Went to work on Thursday, and was able to make it through the day, with much less coughing than the day before. But in the middle of the afternoon, I must have spiked a fever, cause I was freezing. Goosebumps, shivering, the whole nine yards.

Finally, 4:30 comes and I scoot outta there. I have to go to the store to pick up prescriptions and a few odds and ends. Dean also has the crud and went to his doctor that afternoon. Since he had bronchial asthma as a child, these viruses that hit you in the chest, hit him really hard. I had called and asked my doctor to call something for me, so I had 3 scripts to pick up. I get waited on, tell the "old" woman behind the counter that there are 2 for Dean and one for me. She can't find the one for me right away and has to go in the back. She finds it, and starts to ring me up asking Dean's birthday, then mine. I tell her, and it rejects it. It doesn't match what she scanned. I look at the bag, but the first name is spelled different, the address is different, and the phone number is different. I told her that's not me. So, now 3, coun 'em, 3 people ask me different questions, What did he call in? What's your DOB? What's your address? I understand that they do all this so people don't get the wrong meds, which could be dangerous, but I really didn't feel like dealing with this right now. Finally they get it straight and I can proceed through and get the odds and ends. a 20 minute visit to the store took well over 45 minutes.

So, I go home and the 2 sickies sit on opposite couches in the living room and and play dueling coughs.
I went in to bed a while later, and Dean came to check on me, and when I touched him, he went and got the thermometer. My temp? 102.5. Nice. Dean said if it was like that in the morning, I was not going to work. He had already told his work he wouldn't be in when he left to go to the doc's.
Friday morning temp? 102 even. Not much better. For the first time in years, I called off work.
Saturday was a little better, and today seems better yet. So, hopefully, this is the down side of this!
So, no real surprises with the Idol results this week, except for Robbie-for me at least anyway. I like his look, the long hair rocker look. I really thought Luke was going to be the one to go.
I was really impressed with David Archuleta! What a mature version of Imagine from a young guy. He wasn't even thought of when that song came out! His parents might not have been born yet! WOW. If he keeps that up, I may have to change my pick on the winner from Michael to David A.
I like Micheal. He's shows promise. And that accent!
I think that Chikezie is only still on and will continue because he's the only black male.
David Hernandez needs to find a job in a show on a cruise ship.
I'm real iffy on David C. and Jason Castro.
Danny Noriega. I like him. He reminds me with his hair style and the way he dresses of the Williams twins. They were on the Partridge Family as guests back in the day and they both liked Laurie (Susan Dey). I think they were 14 or 15 then, so if you added a few years to their faces......... You would have had to see the episodes they were on. The same swagger, build, dress, feminism. Come on. You know he's gay. But he's cute and genuine.

Hope you can see it. I do.
I was not real impressed with the girls. Everyone did okay, but I think Carly rocked this week.
I don't really have anything remarkable to say about anyone else, so I won't bore you with those thoughts.
But, the second round of the crud is why I haven't posted. I will be a little better this week. I hope.

1 comment:

--David said...

Heya! I did not call you back the other day because things got busy at work. Turns out, you were much sicker that I had thought! OUCH! Hope you get to feeling better soon!!

I think Danny needs to cut back on his 'flaming.' I mean, the 2nd place guy from last year (whatever his name is) was gay, but he didn't go around acting like a raging flamer. If you're gay, it's no skin off my teeth, but for cripes sake, be a MAN. Too "fruity"...