That's my truck
Dean and I have an '04 Arrival Blue Chevy Silverado, And believe me, when we step on it , it goes! It pulls our old '1978 camper fully loaded through the Mountains in the West Virginia panhandle with no problems at all! So, our truck definitely has a set. Maybe more than one set.
So, the guys with trucks that have those set of testicles hanging from the rear bumper or their receiver for their hitch, what are they saying? If your truck has 'em, you don't have to show 'em! I think it's the guys that have little penis syndrome. You've heard of Little man syndrome?: where a guy who is shorter in stature than the average man talks louder, or is more abnoxious than is allowable by law, the notice me, notice me thing; Little penis syndrome is sort of the same thing: A man who over compensates by having the biggest of everything else; truck, house, or just has to have more toys than everyone else. You know the old saying "He's got a Porche in the garage cause there ain't nothin' in his shorts".
I just find it weird that men put those on their trucks. Besides, I have never seen a real set that look like that. It's so weird. And they come in colors! I have seen red, blue, chrome, and brass.
Brown, Brass, Chrome
Black, Blue, Red
Neon Pink, Flesh(?)
And after lookin' around on line to get these pics for ya, I find out there are ones that are supposed to resemble humans and others to resemble a bull's! The pic of the brass ones above are the "bull's".
Now, while we were out and about as per a usual Saturday morning, I saw I Ford duelly that was huge, with a set on the back of it. They were a pinkish color, (probably trying to resemble fleshtone) not neon, and were probably generic or something, cause the upper part of the "sac" was flat, not with the wrinkles like in these pictures.
What are ya tryin' to prove, guys? And what will they think of next?
(Sorry, Dave. Hope this doesn't hurt to see.)
We went to the races Saturday night, but right after our friend Billy's heat race, we got rained out. They didn't get any of the features in. Double show this week if we don't get rain!
Dancing With the Stars started out kinda boring for me this week. Kristi's jive was phenominal, as was Marissa's Viennese Waltz. The rest? eh. Marlee needs to go home. She has missed steps every week, and this week was her worst! Guess what? She was the one to go home!
Did you see the commercial during Idol for the new Pixar movie "Wall-E"? It looks very cute and the robot named Wall E resembles #5 from the movie "Short Circuit". You remember. "No Disassemble! No Disassemble! 5 still alive!" Yeah. Him. I think it's one I want to see.
Then, it "popped in my head, that my nephew used to have a friend named Wally. Wonder if he ever kept in touch with him or knows where and what he's doing now.
So the Idol top 6 performed songs of Andrew Lloyd Weber. Wow, what a vast choice of music to choose from! He wrote the songs for alot of shows including: Cats, Jesus Christ Superstar, Joey and the Technicolored Dreamcoat, and of course, Phantom of the Opera.
Syesha sang "One Rock and Roll Too Many" from Starlight Express. She really nailed it! She was sooo awesome!
Jason chose to do "Memories" from Cats. I thought, ok, here's his chance to do it up big.....And he didn't. Jason must not have big. Again, he sounded the same. Please let him go home....
Brooke did "You Must Love Me" from Evita. Once she got over forgetting the lyrics (good thing she's not on Wayne Brady's show) I thought she did pretty good with it. What I don't understand is why these singers opt to sit when they sing. It's one of the worst things they can do as their air needs to come from the diaphram. If you are sitting, the diaphram cannot expand as when standing, and it makes it tough to hit the big notes and hold the long ones. I digress.......
David Archuleta's "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera was just intense! He gave me goosebumps! Fab U Lus! OMG & WOW!
Carly did a ver "rock" version of "Superstar" from Jesus Christ, Superstar. It was really good, but, I like the original version.
David Cook chose "Music of the Night" from Pantom. Goosebumps, my eyes filled up, it was sooo awesome! OMG & WOW again!
Phantom of the Opera is my favoritist (I know that's not a word) Andrew Lloyd Weber works. What a very talented man! I will be definitely downloading David C's Music of the Night from iTunes! We'll find out in about an hour who goes home.........(Please let it be Jason, please let it be Jason, PLEASE LET IT BE JASON!)
And lastly for now, today was professional Administrative Assistant's Day or Secretary's Day. I think with the upcoming bridal shower and wedding, my boss simply forgot. Maybe we'll celebrate tomorrow.................
#WorkLife: HP LaserJet P1006 and other old hp printers on Windows 10
After upgrading to Windows 10, my HP LaserJet P1006 failed to work. The
printer showed up in my printer list, however it would not process any
print job...
4 years ago
1 comment:
Lots to cover here: I agree about the balls haning from the back of the truck. What is up with that? And really, think about this: the balls are hanging from the arse-end of the truck!? Dont know about you, but there ain't no balls hanging out of MY rearend! Wall-E reminded me of Short Circuit, too!! Hope it's not as dorky, and even moreso, I hope Steve Gutenberg is nowhere to be found in Wall-E! Wally is the Assistant City Attorney for Caper, WY, I think. I know the title is right, but not sure about the town. We get a letter every year at Christmas! Jason sucked. He should have gone home...
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