And now, This is Ah MER ican IDOL!
David A- When You Believe-WOW! I thought he had 1 little pitch problem, but that could have been the sound on our TV in the bedroom.
Carly - Without You-REALLY GOOD~! Love the song, love the dress, love the necklace, love the shoes, love the hair and make up.The Judges thought she held back. Did she? Not to me. Syesha-Vanishing- Some pitch problems, but a tough song. I wouldn't be surprised if she "vanished" off the show tonight.
Brooke- Hero- She was shaking so badly. But she did a good job with it.
Kristy Lee-Forever- WOW and she looked gorgeous! Again, I loved the dress, make up, hair.
David C-Always My Baby- LOVED IT! Fantastic job, great arrangement. He got really emotional. His brother was in the audience.
Jason-I Don't Wanna Cry- Boring. Dawg, check it out. Everything he sings sounds the same. The judges thought it was Brilliant? Pa LEEZ!
Now back to our regularly scheduled programming........already in progress.
A FIVE HOUR MORNING.......Saturday morning, Dean and I headed out early, as the dogs had a 9:00 groomer appointment. Then we headed to breakfast. They were jammed at the diner, so we waited at the counter until a booth became available. There was new cook in the kitchen, and that is never good at the diner. Over an hour later, we get to eat and leave the diner. Our food was put on the plates so unpresentable, (Dean's over easy eggs were all broken, my scrambled egg on my bagel sandwich didn't even hit the bagel), Bunny didn't charge us for our meals.
Then we head to the meat store. Dean was in and outta there! Then to Home Depot. It was a fact finding trip. Dean wants to do something more with the stepping stones off the back deck. It doesn't like the way it looks. We leave Depot and head to Lowe's. They have some of the same stuff and some stuff that is way cooler than Depot! Then it is finally time to pick the dogs up from the groomer's, then we head to PetSmart to buy them new collars, leashes and bowls. Dean doesn't like that they can push their bowls all over the kitchen, so he wanted bowls that fit in the little metal stands. The price? 20 - 32 bucks a piece including bowls. And we need 2! They each have their dinner bowls, there's a bowl for water and a bowl that has dry food in it 24/7. So, for $40-$64, we will tolerate them pushing the bowls across the floor. Tiff, my mom's poodle, would actually pick her bowl up and bang it on the floor! It meant she wanted milk! Then we finally get to go back home. We left the house at 8:30 am, and get back a 1:40 pm! Now, that's a morning...............
Saturday nite, Dean and I headed out to see . Here's a pic of them on stage.....
Brett P, Lead guitar, vocals; Scott Luff, Lead vocals; Dave W, Bass and vocals; Chuck S, keyboards and vocals; and in the back on drums, Randy K.
We enjoyed a good dinner. Dean had pizza and wings and I had Veal parm w/pasta and salad. Dean drank a few pitchers of beer, while I had a Kaluha and Cream, then drank Pepsi, as I was the DD as usual. (Designated Driver)
AN UPCOMING WEDDING.......At the end of the evening's performance by our favorite local country band, we find out that the bass player, Dave, and his girlfriend, Lindsay, have gotten engaged and will be married in September! Her ring is absolutely gorgeous! She asks for our address, as well as Tom and Lisa's so we can be invited to the wedding! How cool is it that just a couple of years ago or so, we were merely fans of the band, and we have evolved to being enough of friends that we are invited to the wedding?! Neat, huh? The lead singer, Scott, will serve as best man. Can't wait for that one!
THAT'S SO ILLEGAL......So, after gabbing for quite a while, it's time to go. We leave and opt to go via the parkway from the turnpike@ Monroeville and plan on getting off at Swissvale. (like you'd go to Kennywood from out that way) BUT, as we come down the hill past Channel 4, there are brake lights like you wouldn't believe. I stop and wait. And wait. And wait. And wait................Dean says to back up the on ramp that is right next to us. I really don't want to, it is SOOOO illegal! But, every one else seemed to be doing it too, so he finally convinced me and I backed up, then cut across the grass circle inside the loop of the on ramp and over the bridge! No flashing lights came after me, but we were back on the parkway headed back the way we came when I caught my breath again. We headed down Rt. 48 and through McKeesport. We finally got home about 4 am.
The next day while watching the morning news, they show that particular spot on the parkway with all the traffic. A fatal accident had occurred. That's sad. It took them hours to get it cleaned up. And there on the short clip they had shown? A Blue Silverado cutting thru the grass! Great. Caught on film. Thank god they couldn't see the license plate, but if they really wanted to it could be enhanced like on CSI..........I think all the cops were busy with the accident!
GETTING UP THE SAME TIME YOU WENT TO BED......Sunday we spent the day being lethargic after our late nite out. And Monday morning, I had to take Dean to work because he had to get ready for an early breakfast party or something. I had to get up at 4 am. Nothing like getting up the same time you went to bed the day before..........
#WorkLife: HP LaserJet P1006 and other old hp printers on Windows 10
After upgrading to Windows 10, my HP LaserJet P1006 failed to work. The
printer showed up in my printer list, however it would not process any
print job...
4 years ago
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