Yes, we are back from camping. It started raining very early Sunday morning, so we had to break camp between the rain drops. Every time the rain slowed to a drizzle or stopped entirely for a few moments, it was a mad dash (mostly on Dean's part) to get all the outside stuff ready for storage. Roll up the rug that is our "patio" when we camp, disconnect the outside speakers for the stereo, take ot the stabilizing jacks, take down the flag and the party lights, fold the lawn chairs and the table. I take care of packing the inside and securing everything. Then I stow the chairs and table, rug, cooler, flag and speakers. Then go out and help him get the camper on the hitch. (one of us backs the truck, the other directs). Then I go back in make sure that all the vents and windows are closed, do a quick light check and we're off! We go to the nearby state park and use the dump station. It rained the whole way there, then quit long enough for us to get the tanks dumped and rinsed out. Rained the whole way back to my work, then quit just before we pulled in the lot where we store the camper. Got unhooked, and Dean went to the store (he drove his car to my work on Friday and left it parked there for the weekend) and I came home, unloaded the truck and had almost everything put away by the time he got back from the store. We work so well together. If only I could get that damn awning thing figured out. For life of me, I can't seem to get the awning on the camper unhooked on my side when we set up camp. It is really hard to lift it out of the hook at the top that secures it while its in the up position for travel. I thought that it was because I wasn't strong enough to lift out, but that can't be it, cause I help Dean lift the generator in and out of the truck and that sucker's heavy! So, I have come to the conclusion that it is that I cannot visualize what is supposed to be happening up there on top, so I don't know the "trick" to manuever the thing out of the hook. So, Dean just does it himself now. And tht's ok by me.................
Well, the Michael Vick dog fighting story is all we've heard since we got back from camping. What is the problem with these athletes that make so much money? Is it that they HAVE so much money? Do they have some sort of bad seed in them that they have to do terrible and illegal things with their money? Do they think they won't get caught or that they are above the law? So, I am glad he will never play in the NFL again, that he WILL go to jail, and if he hasn't invested the rest of his money wisely, he will now have nothing. After he serves his jail term, he will have to find a real job so he has income. Welcome to the real world, asshole. Serves you right. I hope someone in jail has a dogfight with you. Or better yet, makes you his girlfriend. Good luck with that, Vick. You deserve it!
so, we have the rest of this week and next, then we are off to Eldora. Can't wait for that. We have to do a camper repair before we go, though. Seems I broke my bed Saturday evening. I was putting something away and kneeled on it wrong and WHAM! I and part of the bed are on the floor. Hopefully a trip to Home Depot for some plywood and some brackets will fix it right up! We are going to get Jordan for the weekend because we won't be able to see him again till October! We leave for Eldora Next Saturday (9-1). We don't come home until the following Sunday (9-9). I am helping the owner of our company, Mrs. Parker, who I call Dee Dee, at her house on the weekend of the 15th for a nice sum of money. The 20th thru the 23 is the Pittsburgher weekend and the weekend of the 28th, we go to Deep Creek for the annual bowling weekend. Whew! September is pretty much like this every year for us. So glad we don't have kids in school!
Well, it's very early Tuesday morning and it is still raining. It rained all day Sunday, almost all day yesterday, and now it's raining again (or still). The Nascar race in Michigan was postponed from Sunday to Monday, then from Monday to today. If it is still raining in Michigan today, I think they will have to add the race to the end of the schedule because all the car haulers have to report to Bristol on Thursday, so they can't wait any longer to run this race. I remember when it rained at Louden (NH) one year and they added the race to the end of the schedule. They had to run in November. Do you know how cold it is in November in New Hampshire? Pretty cold. I tthink it was about 40 degrees on race day. At least Michigan Int'l Speedway isn't as far North as Louden, NH..............
Reset MacOS Spotlight Index
If you notice files/folders suddenly seem to be missing on your Mac, your
index may be corrupt. Here's how I fixed it. Note: These steps were found
on a ...
1 month ago
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