For those of you that don't know what that means, there was a commercial back in the day for something and I cannot for the life of me remember what it was right now, where the little girl put the back of her wrist to her forehead and said "Finally Done!". My mom loved that commercial and she would always do that when she was done with some chore like cleaning or dishes or something. Even after Jefferson hospital severed her tongue and she could speak any more, she would still put her wrist to her forehead and you knew exactly what she meant!
Soooooooooooooooo, this week's finally done and the countdown is: 9 HOURS AND 11 MINUTES Till we leave!!! yea!
So not that I am a daily blog poster by any means, but this will be the last time I post until after we get back on the 9th.
Picked up my new reading glasses after work today. Yes, I've reached the age where I need my contacts for distance and a pair of glasses to wear with them in order to read or work on the computer. Why not just get bifocals? well, I hate the way I look in glasses. Always have. Besides, I hate seeing the reflections in the lenses. And glare? That's the worst. And when we go out, I don't usually have to read, unless it's a menu. So, putting them on for a few minutes here and there is not a big deal. I do have to say though, these are the best looking pair of glasses I have ever owned!
And here's a kicker for ya! My boss, the greatest boss in the whole world, was leaving today at 1:30 pm to go home and use here glorious built in pool. So, before she leaves, she hands me an envelope with a card in it that says Be safe and be happy on the front (which has a picture of a very colorful, traditionally shaped kite. The inside has a hand written message from her that says "Have a Great Week! -- Diane. Oh, the kicker? Had $100 in it too. For no reason. Got me a bonus. Got me a bonus. Love that woman!
Well, Everybody have a safe and happy, relaxing Labor Day holiday. Love to all.
It' s now 11:01 , 2, so now the countdown is.........
(8 hours and 58 minutes)
And I don't know where the time comes from that shows when you posted, but it is not my time zone!
Reset MacOS Spotlight Index
If you notice files/folders suddenly seem to be missing on your Mac, your
index may be corrupt. Here's how I fixed it. Note: These steps were found
on a ...
1 month ago