Saturday, July 14, 2007

It wasn't inconsideration.......

In my last post about my sister going to the hospital again..... Well, she's now home and all seems as well as it can be. I hope that the Arkansans that read my blog do not think that I do not appreciate the great job they are doing taking care of their mom, mother-in-law, friend, Mimi aka my sister. I DO appreciate the fact that they have taken time off work to be there for her, and stayed with her round the clock. I love them for the wonderful job they are doing! I just wish I could be there myself is all. I wish I had the means to be able to take off 6 weeks or 3 mos. just to come take care of her. But, unfortunately, I do have to work and keep my job (and my husband) in order to maintain this lifestyle to which I have become accustomed. Not that it is lavish by any means, but we do go out to eat and to the club for drinks, racing and camping. So, it is a nice life, but I have to work in order to have it. So, if I offended any one that thought I didn't think they were doing a good job by what I last posted, I apologize. It's the control freak in me, really, I think. I can't control what's going on with my sister, I can't be there to take care of her, ya know how it is!

1 comment:

--David said...

Man, you re-read your blogs too much, or maybe you over-process your postings (which I used to be guilty of with email, trust me). No worries! We know you wish you could take care of her, and we know you know we are doing what we can as we can. In times like these, we sacrifice what we can and where we can. I am fortunate enough that my boss allows me a LOT of flexibility and that I have built up a lot of sick days! :-)