Well, Superbowl XLI in now in the sports history books. I am glad Payton Manning won the Superbowl. My heart was rooting for Da Bears, though. But with the Colts winning, the media will let the whole Payton Manning thing die. And he won MVP. Very cool. Nice new ride for him, a trophy and I am sure extra ca-ching. But, as the media does, we were bombarded by "Can Manning pull off the big dance? Is he going to be another Dan Marino that holds all these records as a quarterback, but has no Superbowl ring?" yada yada yada, blah,blah,blah. There, He's won it. Now shut the hell up.
And what was the big deal about the first Superbowl to have two black head coaches? So what! Why does the color of their skin matter? Did the color of their skin get them into the Superbowl? No! It was their skill and talent and coaching ability! Now, I do think it is a big deal that Tony Dungy (former Steeler, thank you) is only the third head coach to have won a Superbowl as a player and then as a coach. Now, that's something to write home about!
The commercials were quite lame this year. Chevy commercial, nah. Budweiser, nah. Fed Ex, nah. Go Daddy.com, nah. Doritos, okay. Blockbuster, H I L A R I O U S! Click the mouse. Oh My God!! That was just way too funny. Best commercial of the game!!!
The halftime show with Prince sucked. I like when an artist comes out, sings the songs so I recognize them and is done. Don't come out thinkin' you're all cute and stuff, strut around, sings god knows what, and at the end you do four lines from one of your hits, probably your biggest hit, and then have the crowd sing some part that wasn't even part of the song! And in the meantime, you're stretchin' it out by addin' in all these crazy guitar riffs. I don't appreciate a screamin' guitar. Just play the damn song! I appreciate that it was pouring down rain and you went out and performed for 8 minutes and got big bucks to do that, but sheeze!
Did ya see Two and a Half Men tonight? They have brought to life the saying that men think with the wrong head. Charlie has even started talking to his. It was actually very entertaining from my standpoint. I always thought men thought of their penis as a seperate person from themselves. Just proves me right. They (Charlie and his penis) had an entire conversation, the last being in the grocery store, and guess who won the discussion? Of course, not Charlie. He dumped the groceries and went after the girl.......
New show aired tonight. Rules of Engagement. It's a married couple, a couple that JUST got engaged and a single guy. Now, the married couple has been married a while, yet the man can't figure the wife out. Probably not too far fetched. I don't think men will ever figure us out. Ah, honey, what's wrong? Why should we have to tell you? You should know. You are the reason, or something you said or have done is what's wrong. The newly engaged couple are just learning each other's faults. Not only did they just get engaged, they just started living together, too. The single guy, is just an uncaring pig who wants to go to bed with every woman he meets, played by David Spade (SNL fame). It's a good character for him and he plays it very well. I think it might be a cute show. I'll let you know on that one..............
Reset MacOS Spotlight Index
If you notice files/folders suddenly seem to be missing on your Mac, your
index may be corrupt. Here's how I fixed it. Note: These steps were found
on a ...
2 months ago
1 comment:
Aw, man, I loved the Fed-Ex in outer space commercial...Well, okay, the part where the guy gets blasted by a meteor was really the best part... :-)
I agree 100% on the two black coach-thing. Who cares. And I'll say it now - when a woman becomes a coach, big deal. Sorry, but if you are a good coach, I dont care what color you are or what gender.
Didn't see 2 and half... Havent watched for a while now... Though, did catch about half of Rules... Kinda cute, kinda same-old-tv-show... We'll see...
I agree about Prince. Bad show, bad singing (he cannot hit the notes he was trying for), bad dancing, bad..bad.. just bad...
So, is the media going bonkers over the Steelers' new coach being black? I hope not. Are they going nuts over the fact his defense sucked last year? I hope so.
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