Well, I feel like I have been on a world tour and never left Western PA!! On Thrursday, June 28th, Dean and I took the camper and met with friends at Lernerville Speedway, a dirttrack, in Sarver, PA. That's in Butler county. It's about 40 miles from where I work. I call our friend Jeff when we get on 28N, and it turns out, he's not too far behind us. So, we get to the track within minutes of each other, decide where our camping spots should be and set up. Now, the thing is that we
reserved 4 spots together. One for Jeff and his girlfriend, Mine and Dean's, Tom and Lisa's and Sam and Charlotte's, so we would be guaranteed to be able to camp together. However,
reserving the spots only guaranteed we had reserved spots. It didn't designate the spots. But, we were lucky enough that we got 4 together right on pit entrance road. That means I got to see all the car haulers pull in. (Except the ones that came in when I was asleep).
We had a really good time. The racing was great! After qualifying, there was a 30 Lap 'Uncle Sam"concie race on Friday night. Some guy I don't know won that. Josh McGuire. Between the qualifying and the race, they chose people from the stands to enter a horseshoe competition the next day at noon. You got to pick a driver from the list they had and be teamed up with them. A friend of Jeff's, Rich Baumgartner got picked and teamed up with Lynn Geisler. The ended up winning the tournament to the tune of $200! Friday night they had a live band. Nomad. It actually is an acronym for North Of the Mason Dixon. They were really good and Dean and I enjoyed them. After the horshoe tourney on Saturday, we went back to camp and just hung out till 4 when it was time for the driver autograph session. My favorite driver, Scott Bloomquist, was in the first seat. So, I told him that the baby's first birthday pics were great that his mom had emailed me and I told him about recognizing his eyes on the cover of the latest issue of Dirt Late Model magazine which I had him sign. I hugged him and wished him luck in the race. Then there were 6 heat races and the winners of those later got to "pull a pill" for the starting positions of the Feature, aka The Firecracker 100. Since my favorite driver won his heat, he was down on the front stretch to take his turn to pull his pill. I went down for pictures. I yelled over to him "c'mon, baby. Pick that #1. He was the fourth driver to pull his pill, He pulled out the #1! I thought his chin was going to hit the track his jaw dropped so far! He looked over his shoulder at me as the announcer said "He's got the pole!" The crowd reaction was mixed, as it always is for him. Boos and cheers. You either love him or you hate him. It sounds exactly like the reaction Jeff Gordon gets when he is introduced at the Nascar races. Bloomer led every lap but one, and that one he didn't was only for a matter of 20 feet of the track. It was a great race!

Watchin' the
haulers come in.
Rich, his son Teddy, and Geisler
My favorite Driver- Bloomer!
Waitin' to pull his pill. (He's on the quad)
The Victor!!!!!!
Now, here's a little soapbox issue for ya. The Track's camping rules said that "Quiet time" was from 1:30 am to 6 am. That meant no loud generators, music or partying between those hours. Obviously, some of our party didn't think they had to obey those rules, so Thursday and Friday night, I didn't get much sleep. Saturday night, I stayed up and at 1:30, I told them the music had to be turned off and that they had to keep the noise down. I was able to go to bed about 2:15. Then we got up Sunday morning, had breakfast, broke camp and pulled out.
Monday and Tuesday were usual workdays, then Tuesday after work, Dean and I were off in the camper again. We camped at Raccoon Creek State Park. It's in Beaver County, not far past the race track that is our usual saturday hang out. It is usually very peaceful there. But this time, there was a family across the road from us that wouldn't tie there dog. He wasn't neutered and he kept comin' over to our camp sniffin' around and trying to get his nose up Bitsy's you know what. Another soapbox issue: The park rules say that you must have you dog leashed at all times. They obviously didn't care about that rule! And they had a toddler who was probably 2 or 3. He cryed more than any kid I ever heard before. And I had alway heard that you are supposed to hang your trash bag from a tree. So we did. The thing is that I didn't put it high enough and the raccoons ripped the bottom out of the bag! So, we moved that to the bed of the truck. Thursday, it rained a good bit in the wee hours of the morning and some through the day. We ran errands in the morning and ate breakfast at a little country restaurant up the road a piece. We had gone to the bank to deposit my pay, to walmart to finally use the gift cards that we got for Christmas and to Giant Eagle and to Get Go. Went back to camp and I finished my book and Dean watched DVD's of the Steelers' road to the SuperBowl. We roasted marshmellows on the camp fire and went to bed. Sometime during the night, the raccoons came back for a visit and helped themselves to one of the steaks we bought the day before and some leftover barbecue ribs and some cherries. They were able to unlatch the cooler and get in and get the food! I never thought they would be able to figure out how to unlatch the cooler! That night, we bungied it shut and turned it toward the camper so they couldn't get at the latches!
Friday, we went to the beach and swam in the lake. It was really nice. Lisa and her oldest son, Zack and his friend came out to join us. We had a great time! But they could only stay a very short while. So, it was home for them and back to camp for us! But, we had made plans for them to come back on Saturday, go swimming, cook out at camp, then we would go to the races together. Raccoon is not that far past our racetrack. Sidebar: did you know that RACECAR spelled backwards is racecar? I digress. Sorry. So we did all that and had a really good time. Again, it turned into Sunday and we had to break camp and come home. I read a book for two of the days, and the read alot of the stories in my Reader's Digest, the read a couple of articles in the Dirt Late Model Magazine. Dean and I played cards one evening, roasted marshmellows over the campfire a few evenings, did nothing the night we got there except set up camp, have dinner and go to bed. I slept for 10 hours that night! I never do that! I think I was still exhausted from the first weekend at Lernerville.........

Dean, Bitsy and Bailey @ camp
Dean and Lisa on Friday @ the beach
Lisa's son Mac (R) and his friend
Lisa sunnin', Tom and Dean
Lisa's son Zack and his friend in the lake (by the green raft)
All in all it was a good, relaxing time. No noise till all hours. Quiet time in the park starts at 11 p.m. How cool is that? Vary kewl, vary kewl, as my brother in law would say. I did get some sunburn on my one leg. I didn't think I was out of the water as long as I really had, and the way I was sitting on the beach towel, the inside of my right leg up to my knee got a little burned. I put solarcaine on it right away. I also stubbed my little toe on that foot on my bed one night. And I closed the screen door on my thumb one day, so I have a band-aid on that. Nothing that won't heal.
Well, it's time for me to
and get my butt in bed. It's a school night, ya know.