And I
wish the next line was that Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play. But, it was the day that America was attacked by terrorists. 9-11-01. Do you remember where you were and what you were doing?
People say that they remember that stuff the day JFK was shot, when they got the news that the music died (Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper and Richie Valens were killed in a plane crash), when the space shuttle blew up and when the planes hit the Twin Towers that dreadful day. I was at work and my boss' mom called and told us what was on the news. The rest of the day was a blur. I just wanted to get home to Dean.
I have alot of "conspiracy theories" when it comes to things our government does or does not do. Here is my theory on the 9-11 thing.
Osama Bin Laden worked and planned for that for a very long time. The first bomb at the Twin Towers caused havoc, but not the destruction he was looking for. He wanted to hit us where it would hurt most-financially and spiritually. He ordered pilots to be trained to hit the biggest buildings in New York that were home to hundreds of financial businesses. To hit the Pentagon, possibly the Capitol Building or the White House, but that plane ended up in Shanksville, PA.
So, "as soon as we could see clearly through our big, black eye", we pulled ourselves together and started to heal and rebuild. Since that effort on his part did not yield the results he was looking for, now he is in some way controlling the oil. The price per barrel goes up, and in turn, the price
per gallon goes up. That's what hits the Americans in the wallet. So, we have given up things to pay for the gas, and our lives aren't quite as luxurious as they were.
Why is that important? Because Bin Laden doesn't like how we live. We have it too good.
My husband believes that the price of oil goes up because the refineries were destroyed in the Gulf during Katrina. Naaaaah. Why would the oil proce go up now? They have been rebuilt. It's the price of the oil coming out of the middle east that causes the price per barrel to go up. And I truly believe that that is at the hand of Bin Laden somehow.
I am sad for all the people that had to parish that fateful day. I feel for their families. How hard it must have been and maybe even still be for some. But, America goes on.

On my way to work, i came across some road work being done. The construction vehicles were sitting and working on a little side road, but, they had a flagger pserson working the intersection. The road I travel does not have a stop sign going to work, but coming the other direction it does, as well as the side streets in either direction, making the intersection a 3 way stop.
Now, to me, the flagger person is to
help the flow of traffic not make it worse. So, shouldn't they allow the people with the normal right of way to have it and make the other 3 with stop signs stop and go when traffic with the right of way is clear? No, she stops
everybody and give every one turns. Sometimes the people coming off the side streets got 2 turns in a row. or 3. It's just not right I tell ya! I didn't go that way for a couple of days and now, that construction is done. I just think the flow of traffic should not have changed is all! Is that too much ot ask?
Saturday is the wedding of the Bass player from our Band, The Fabulous Gunslingers. The guys in the band can really party, so I think this will be a really fun wedding!

Dave, the groom to be

The band. The lead singer, Scott (in the blue shirt, center) is the best man. I'll let ya know how this one goes.......