FINALLY!!!!!! Sanjaya goes home!!!! I really couldn't believe that Lakisha was in the bottom 3! Or 2 even! Maybe they couldn't put 3 guys in the bottom 3 and had to have 1 girl? Whatever. She is now saved and we are left with 6. When the 7 did their group number, I'm Alright (Jo Dee Messina), it was soooo good. Blake had personality, Chris seemed to be having fun with it. I don't know. Maybe they are good and they're just so nervous when they have to perform alone, that I think they suck. Could be just me. I thought it was really cool when they showed them boppin' when Martina sang. I liked it when they were singing with Sanjaya on his final on air performance. It was hysterical when he said about talkin' 'bout somethin' other than hair. FUN-NY.
My favorite Radio station's (Froggy 98.3 FM) morning show topic today was "What one thing do you think all people should be able to do?" My knee jerk reaction? DRIVE! And I don't mean that everyone that turns 16 shoud be entitled to a drivers' license, either. I am talking about the people that already HAVE their licenses and are driving on the roads of this great nation! Apparently, just because the DMV issues you a license, doesn't mean you have the ability to drive well. That only means that when they tested you, you were able to manuever the vehicle without too much difficulty, obey speed limits, parallel park, and obey traffic laws, and not wreck the car and give the DMV official whiplash.But, once out of the watchful eye of said official, you drive like an ass. You are in the fast lane on a 4 lane highway where the speed limit is 45. So why on earth are in the fast lane doing 38? You could at least do 48, hell, I'd venture to say you could do 50 and not get a ticket! If you are in the fast lane, you better be passin' somethin' and you better be the hell out of my way! And Parking? Can we not park the car any more? I went to the bank located inside the supermarket to deposit my pay check today, and after that needed to grab a few groceries. I park the truck with out any difficulty ("I'm an excellent driver" to quote Rainman) hop out and go into the store. I complete my banking, pull out my shopping list, and get through with that errand. I come out of the store to find that parked to the left of the truck is a silver Lincoln something or other 4 door sedan. Not a small car. It looks as if it were parked in a pit stall in a Nascar race. The car is crooked with the left rear tire hanging over the line marking the same side of the parking stall. At the head of the stall, a light pole for the parking lot. Now, you know they have that big round concrete base that is painted yellow. So the front of this car is only pulled in to the stall 3/4 of the way so as the driver would not bump the base of the light pole. The front of her car is facing my left fender. It is such a horrendous park job, that as I evaluate the situation, I decide to write down the plate number and make and model and color of the car and go back in the store. I tell customer service of the problem parker, and they page the owner of the vehicle to come to the front desk that her vehicle must be moved! Within 3 minutes, a tiny, (4 foot something) old lady appears. She said to the CSR, I think that's my car! Did I park illegally. Oh I'm so sorry, she says. Was that a handicapped spot and I didn't notice? I thought to my self, not until YOU parked there! I finally told her of the incredibly bad parking job she did and that I did not feel that I would be able to get my truck of it's parking place without hitting her car. So, if she could just back out and let me do the same, she could go right back in her parking place. She agreed to move the car. As we are walking to our respective vehicles, she says, Oh my, my car is really crooked isn't it? (Well, DUH) so instead of going to the driver side door and getting in, she walks past her car and looks at my truck. She said, Hmm. You are parked pretty straight! (See, I told you, I'm an excellent driver) She then says, (not yet......wait for!) I had a very difficult time getting around your truck to park! (What?!!) The angle in shich she was parked, with the left rear tire over the left side line of the stall indicates to me that she pulled down the lane and didn't have to pass my truck at all! I just said "I'm sure you did" and got in the truck. She backed out, went around the the two rows of cars and I left. Then I saw it! The reason she said she had difficulty getting around the truck to park? She drove extremely close to the right side row of parked cars, then tried to swing into the stall. Couldn't get on the first try, so backed part way out of the stall, back in, back out, back in. She ended up in exactly the same position as she was when I needed her to move! How do you like that? I about peed my pants! Sheesh! I think that all states should retest the elderly every year in order for them to renew their license...............
Reset MacOS Spotlight Index
If you notice files/folders suddenly seem to be missing on your Mac, your
index may be corrupt. Here's how I fixed it. Note: These steps were found
on a ...
3 weeks ago
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