It's that time of year again.You know, the time right after Thanksgiving that everyone puts up their Christmas decorations, at least, the outdoor variety. Dean and I have gotten to the point where we call ourselves the Griswalds as we put more and more lights up each year. As luck would have it, I have contracted a rotten cold over the weekend that broke out Monday night. It's my own fault, really. I broke my own rule; Never go out shopping on Black Friday weekend. Every time I do, I get sick. AKA the Crud. I broke the rule this year because we had Jordan for the entire Holiday weekend-Thursday to Sunday night-and it was also Dean's birthday, so I planned all these things to do! Dean worked on Friday, so it was Jordan and me. We went to the grocery store which was pretty empty, the to Dollar General. Those two stops went so well, I thought, I'll just run to Toys R US and pick up just those two things I need to get. So, off we went. Thousands of people! After driving the shopping cart containing Jordan in circles for 20 minutes, I finally found the Vtech.Baby Smiles we wanted to get for him and the sound activated cartwheeling Tigger for Scott, the lead singer of the Fabulous Gunslingers, who collects Tiggers. yes, he is a grown man. I had givin Jordan one of his toys to keep him occupied but he kept throwing it out of the cart. Enough of that game. So, we finally go to check out and while we are waiting in line, I give him his bottle. Finally, our turn! So, while I was trying to swipe the debit card and waiting for the cashier to do her part, she then tells me the card reader is broken and she has to swipe through the register! So, we finally get that done, the loot is bagged, I grab it and wheel the cart to the vestibule of the store, park it, remove the bag and Jordan and go to the truck. I put the bag in the bed of the truck, and Jordan in the carseat (at least I got that part right) and realize he's no longer holding his bottle.......and where's the toy? Dag! lost them in the store. Not going back for them! Probably where I picked up the crud.................So, we've had incredibly warm weather and I am now sick. 60+ degree Days since the day before Thanksgiving and I am too sick to put up the outside decorations. So, I will problably be rid of this cold by Monday or so and it will go back to 30 degree days. So, I will be freezing my butt off when we finally do get to put the decorations up! Christmas Vacation. Christmas Vacation. Christmas Vacation..........
Did ya'll watch Charlie Brown's Christmas Tuesday Night? I learned an interesting bit of trivia about the program while listening to the Green Team on Froggy Radio yesterday morning. Did you know that the network people wanted Charles Shultz to cut the part where Linus quotes from the Bible the story of Jesus' birth? Now, this show originally aired over 40 years ago! The network said they didn't want to offend anyone. It's a Christmas story! Christmas is the celebrations of Jesus' birth! How can you have a Christmas story and take out the part of the reason for Christmas??!!! Charles Schultz told the network if they wanted to use his characters for the show, then that part stays in. He obviously won! If it offends someone, they can change the channel!...........
Considering the above thought, isn't Christmas something that was brought to this country with the Pilgrims? The English celebrated Christmas before they even landed in America! So did (and do) the Italians, Irish, Polish, Dutch, Croatians, Greeks, Germans, Blacks and Russians. Now the Russian Christmas is 2 weeks after ours, but it still celebrates the same thing! CHRISTMAS! The birth of Christ. Thus the word CHRISTmas. The story of the Immaculate Conception and Mary and Joseph having to take room in the innkeeper's barn and build a manger of hay for the Christ child to sleep in and was wrapped in swaddling clothes and surrounded by oxen and donkeys, sheep and horses. Isn't this waht our modern day calendar years are based on? Isn't this 2006 A.D.? After Death. The Death of Christ. Before he was born, it was B.C. Before Christ. I guess they didn't count the years when he was actually on earth??......Didn't alot of the Carols we sing today originate in Europe? O Tannenbaum-the German for Oh, Christmas Tree. I wish you Merry Christmas. NOT Happy Holidays. MERRY CHRISTMAS. If it offends you, too bad. You're sad. I'm glad. You're mad. I do not celebrate Kwanza. If I know that you do, I will wish you Happy Kwanza. Or Happy Hannahkah. Or Happy Yom Kippur, Happy Chinese New Year, Feliz Navidad or whatever your holiday is when it is your holiday. This is mine. Merry Christmas. I really don't see how it can offend someone when the Pool City selling Christmas trees and all the trimmings is Jewish owned. What about the Jewelry and watch kiosks in the middle of the mall owned by arabics and Indians (not Native Americans). They capitalize on my holiday yet they are offended by my belief and saying Merry Christmas? Good Grief! Now that I've gone off an a tangent....but after all, it's my Soapbox.......
My brother in law is going to Iraq to close out the government contracts. I feel really sad for my sister, but yet am happy for her as well. This job pays really big money and they could use some good fortune financially. The money will really help them out give them the financial breathing room we all seek in our lives. But, he leaves on Saturday and won't be back for Christmas.They have never been apart for Christmas. Ever. I think it will be hard on my sister. I know how hard it was for her to be in Denver one year and my parents, my brother, and my son were all here in Pittsburgh. It was really tough. So, my brother in law will go to Houston for 2 weeks, the to Kuwait for about 3 weeks, then onto Iraq. the other wives have told my sister that it is really safe where the "civilian" government people are, so she is pretty assured all will be fine. If she is okay with it, so am I. Well, I 've gone on long enough tonight, so...........
Reset MacOS Spotlight Index
If you notice files/folders suddenly seem to be missing on your Mac, your
index may be corrupt. Here's how I fixed it. Note: These steps were found
on a ...
1 month ago