Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A toy I had...

In an earlier post, I said that if I could have any toy now from when I was little, it would be the butterfly ball and my easy bake oven. I thought about this a lot over the holidays and my nephew (from Just Popped in my Head fame) even tried finding one for me on ebay. He sent me a couple of pics of what he found but they weren't it. So, as I have been thinking about this, I have determined that it was not an Easy Bake oven. I think it was a Susie Homemaker oven! I think I thought it was Easy Bake cause it used a light bulb to produce the heat as well. The mind is getting old and the memory isn't as good as it used to be. So, my search goes on........

1 comment:

--David said...

Hey! I found some on eBay... Do an eBay search for SUZY HOMEMAKER OVEN.. Like this one: