Friday, October 24, 2008

APAD? Yeah, Yeah. I Know.......

My nephew posted on his blog about some lofty goals. One goal is that bloggers do A Post A Day. Well, I'm a busy person. I don't have the internet on my computer at work, so I can't post while at my job. By the time I get home from work, eat dinner, do the dishes, feed the dogs, do some online errands (like online banking and emails) Jeopardy is coming on and I want to go watch it. And all the shows have started their new season and you can't miss those! Dancing with the Stars, Big Bang Theory, How I met Your Mother, 2 and a half men, Boston Legal and Csi Miami. That's just Monday night, people! Tuesday brings us NCIS, Dancing with the Stars Results and Criminal Minds. Wednesday is Old Christine, Gary Unmarried, and Dirty Sexy Money. Thursday is Ugly Betty, CSI LV, and ER. Friday is Ghost Whisperer something else and Numbers. See? I'm busy. Being a couch potatoe no doubt, but I like my entertainment from the box in the living room....

So, I know it's been a long time since I've posted. It was never my goal to post every day. I am usually happy with a couple of times a week. But, I got lazy. There. I admit it. Not much new. Yeah, Yeah. I know. You all thought I fell off the face of the Earth again, didn't you?

Dean had a stress test last monday. He passed it fine. But it has prompted him to go back to the gym. So, he works out 3 days a week now. Me? Nope. I'm the couch potatoe. Well, almost time for Jeopardy! More later. I promise...............

1 comment:

--David said...

LOL, you sound like me... Shan is doing exercise every morning, and I am the lazy schmuck sleeping in... :-)

Have you noticed, I missed my APAD big time, too... Lofty goal, just not for everyone. :-)